Introducing Kallafut in the Chais Durables (Sustainable Wine Cellars) catalogue
Kallafut is now included in the Chais Durables catalogue, which lists innovative solutions, by CREAHd and Inno’Vin!
Kallafut is now included in the Chais Durables catalogue, which lists innovative solutions, by CREAHd and Inno’Vin!
Kallafut entered the Spirits Valley cluster, the first super-premium spirit cluster! More than 50% of the Super Premium Spirits global production comes from the Charente Valley. Spirits Valley is the driving force behind the ‘Business to Business’ partnerships of these economic players, right from distillation all the way to consumption. Spirits Valley is also the…
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Kallafut was featured in the 2019 May/June edition of the Terre de Cognac journal.
Kallafut showroom has opened its doors to the public in Nieul Les Saintes since January 2019. Companies and people can now come and discover the Kallafut system.
We proceeded to install our Kallafut system in the cellars of a great Cognac distillery. Five levels of 350- and 400-litre casks were installed on 5 different height levels, with footbridges.
Our company Kallafut presented for the first time its innovative concept of barrel wedging in wine cellars at the Bordeaux Vinitech Trade Show of 2018.